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Q1) What is a laser?

Ans) Laser is Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

Q2) What is Laser proctology?

Ans) Laser proctology refers to treating anorectal diseases using a laser.

Q3) What anal diseases can be treated using lasers?

Ans) The following anal diseases can be treated using lasers

  1. Hemorrhoids
  2. Fissure in ano
  3. Fistula in ano
  4. Pilonidal Sinus
  5. Varicose Veins

Q4) Is laser surgery safe?

Ans) Yes, the laser is safe.

Q5) Is laser surgery painless?

Ans) Laser surgery is not painless. However, the pain caused is less.

Q6) Is there any blood loss or cuts in laser surgery?

Ans) Laser surgery results in very minimal blood loss or cuts.

Q7) How much time it takes to recover after laser surgery?

Ans) Recovery after laser surgery is the earliest compared to conventional surgeries. A patient can walk the next day after the surgery. It takes 3-4 days to recover, and one can join their workplace within a week. However, the recovery may vary from individual to individual & procedure to procedure.

Q8) What activities can I do after laser surgery?

Ans) You can continue your normal routine after 4-5 days. However, you can walk or climb stairs the next day after surgery.

Q9) Can all types of haemorrhoids be treated with lasers?

Ans) Hemorrhoids from Grade 2 to Grade 4 can be treated by laser surgery, but if the hemorrhoids are thrombosed or strangulated, then they have to be excised.

Q10) Can all types of fistula be treated with lasers?

Ans) Lasers do not play a major role in fistulas in ano. But yes, there are certain fistulas for which laser surgery can be done without making big incisions.

Q11) I have an abscess with a fistula in ano. Can it be treated with laser surgery?

Ans) One should not use a laser in the presence of pus. However, a laser may be used once the pus is drained and the fistula tract matures.

Q12) What are the precautions to be taken after laser surgery?


  1. Avoid constipation.
  2. Do not strain during bowel movements.
  3. Don’t sit on the toilet seat for a long time.
  4. Do not lift heavy weights for some days after the surgery.
  5. Don’t stand for a long time without a break.
  6. After fistula surgery, wash the wound with the hand faucet properly
  7. Use lukewarm tap water for the Sitz bath.

Q 13) Do I need to add anything to the Sitz bath?

Ans) Adding betadine, savlon and potassium permanganate in the sitz bathtub is not recommended.

Q14) Can I drive home immediately after laser surgery?

Ans) One can drive depending upon the type of procedure performed.

Q15) What is the stay period in the hospital after laser surgery?

Ans) In our setup, we prefer to discharge the patient the next day. However, few centres do carry out a day-care procedure.

Q 16) What are the chances of recurrence after laser surgery?

Ans) Every procedure has a recurrence rate, which may vary depending on the technique and the type of anorectal disease. Even in conventional surgeries, recurrences have been reported worldwide.

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